This just in...
The official cast reveal will be a 3 night event on ET Canada, beginning Monday March 16. Of course, I will be giving my first impressions and predictions of these people. That's half the fun.
So while we wait, here is a little ramble as the clock ticks down. Cos I am getting kinda antsy. For crap sakes, they haven't even updated the official site yet. It's just sitting there in some kind of Season 2 limbo. Ugh!
5 Things I Don't Want to See on Big Brother Canada 3:
A Sabrina Clone.
Love her or hate her, there is no denying Sabrina made the show last year. She started and masterminded the First Five alliance, survived its demise, avoided elimination after elimination, and managed to talk her way to the final 2. Then there were the lies, the nose picking and the pube tweezing. The overuse of the word "literally" - pronounced "li-tra-lee". The ridiculous one-thousand percent crap...or whatever percentage-du-jour that came out of her mouth. The overly-dramatic meltdowns. Aaah, good times. Yes, we want good TV. We just want it fresh and new. So, I don't want to see any Sabrina look-alikes or wannabes. But then again...I think I might miss her. I may even say, "what would Sabrina do?" (#wwsd) when a house guest gets in a jam.
Junk Scratching.
You know who you are <cough> Jon <cough>. Actually, there were several of them doing it. We know its there, you know its there. We just don't want to see it jiggling about. Not like that anyway. I would rather see Arlie running naked through the house than all the constant pulling, tugging, and flipping. You're on TV. You're not watching hockey and drinking beer with your buddies. Get your hands out of your pants, boys! Besides, I was sick of explaining in the chat room that it was a fungus and not an STD. That's all I have to say about that.
A Showmance in the Final 3.
Emmett and Jillian. Jon and Neda. This show has a better track record on the romance front than The Bachelor Canada. But if this new batch of house guests haven't learned from experience and don't nip any showmance in the bud....I don't think they are worthy of being in that house. Sure, showmances are a major element of the show. And it was great watching Jillian turn on Emmett or Jon on Neda. I just don't want yet another winner emerging from a showmance.
An Alliance Forming Too Soon.
Lets hope there is no First Five repeat. Everyone knows what a bad idea it was. The fans knew it.
Even the alliance members themselves knew it. It makes for boring TV and predictable eliminations. The only thing less exciting was watching everyone sleep in the dark on the live feeds. On the other was pretty cool watching it all come crashing down. Thank you, Canada and thank you, Arlie.
Snow Around the Hot Tub.
Yes, this is Canada. We get snow. But the last two winters have been tougher than usual up here in the Great White North. By March, we are chomping at the bit for some above 0 (Celsius, that is) weather, and we don't want to see mounds of the white stuff on TV either. I am kind of thinking the snow issue is one of the reasons it is starting 3 weeks later this year. It's 3 more weeks of hot-tubbing.