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Photo Courtesy: Corus/W Network |
28, Aviation Engineer, Ottawa, Ontario
As an aviation engineer, 28-year old Mikhel has his dream job and the freedom to indulge his passion for motorcycles in his spare time. The only thing missing from his life at this point is someone to share it with. Sensitive and thoughtful, Mikhel is not afraid to show his emotions (and might even shed a tear during sad movies). As a self-described “hopeless romantic”, Mikhel tends to fall hard and fast… but despite having his heart broken in the past, he is ready to put his heart on the line for the Bachelorette.
Nickname: Mik
Height: 6'1"
Tattoos? Yes, one on the back of my right arm.
Favourite music: Anything really; Top 40, country, blues, classic rock
Top 3 favourite movies: Fast and Furious Torque Rocky III
What is your favourite book and why? Jupiter's Travels - a story of why the adventure and the journey is what matters rather than the end result. Something I try to live my life by.
Who is your hero? Dwayne Johnson
Special talent(s)? I'm pretty handy/good with my hands.
What is your most embarrassing moment? At my best friend’s wedding my tailored suit split right down the butt seam and no, I was not wearing underwear. The groom had to help me safety pin it up. What are best friends for?
What is your biggest fear? The ocean including but not limited to the Humboldt squid and Killer whales.
What is your biggest date fear? My biggest date fear is that I will get too excited and overdress and she shows up in casual wear.
What is your guilty pleasure? Tearing up during movies or TV shows. Tearing up, not crying...very different.
What would an ex-say are your three worst attributes? Stubborn, can be an introvert, and can be emotionally closed off.
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Being cast for a national TV show where I get out of a limo and meet a girl for the first time, and then compete with 20 other guysfor her love. What is love if it doesn't make you do outrageous things...right?
What is your greatest achievement to date? Recognizing in myself that I was putting up walls and locking people out. It took a lot of reflection and self awareness to see that and to want to change. It wasn’t until a real moment of clarity that I realized I didn’t like who I’d become and decided to break the walls down, regardless of the potential for getting hurt.
What are your three best attributes? Persistent, thoughtful, and hopelessly romantic.
Mikhel wants to win the Bachelorette over w his infectious personality. But don't mistake his kindness for weakness! pic.twitter.com/apkENVWbPv— Bachelorette Canada (@BacheloretteCA) August 23, 2016
31, Welder, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Energetic and adventurous, Ross describes himself as the “real deal”. Based in Halifax, NS, the 31-year old welder hopes that his authenticity is what will set him apart from the other bachelors. Fun-loving Ross prides himself on knowing how to balance good times with hard work. His ideal mate is someone who is loyal, ambitious and creative, and true to his funny nature, he points out his future leading lady would benefit from his lucrative medical and dental plans!
Nickname: Gus
Height: 5’10”
Tattoos? Yes, one.
Favorite music: Classic heavy metal and Taylor Swift
Top 3 favourite movies: Lion King Con Air Zoolander
What is your favourite book and why? Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It taught me about craftsmanship, compassion, and philosophy.
Who is your hero? My parents – they raised four decent kids on a fixed income. I didn’t realize it then, but I sure do now.
Special talent(s)? Singing, Balancing hockey sticks on all parts of my body, Devil Sticks
What is your most embarrassing moment? Butchering Shania Twain’s “Any Man of Mine” during Karaoke.
What is your biggest fear? Mice. Seriously.
What is your biggest date fear? The bill!
What is your guilty pleasure? Cadbury Mini eggs
What would an ex say are your three worst attributes? Nomadic Impatient Hasty
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? Pay off my parent’s relatives’ house and travel for … a while!
What is your greatest achievement to date? Paying off my 25k of student loans while still having fun.
What are your three best attributes? Adventurous Energetic Funny
Confidence, ambition & loyalty is what Ross is looking for in a lady. Will he find that in our #BacheloretteCA? pic.twitter.com/RRNX8OL5gd— Bachelorette Canada (@BacheloretteCA) August 24, 2016
36, Multimedia Producer, Hamilton, Ontario
Standing tall at a jaw-dropping 6’8”, Kyle strikes an imposing figure…but this self-employed multimedia producer is a softy at heart (especially when it comes to his cats!). Always ready with a joke, he prides himself on his ability to diffuse tense situations with humour. At 36-years old, Kyle is older than the average Bachelor – a fact that he hopes will work in his favour. Self-assured and completely secure in who he is and what he wants out of life, Kyle is ready to show the Bachelorette what a real man looks like. Hopefully she’s a cat lover!
Height: 6'8”
Tattoos? None
Favourite music: Hip Hop and Latin
Top 3 favourite movies: Heat, The Royal Tenenbaums, Terminator 2
What is your favourite book and why? The Value of Tenacity by Ann Donegan Johnson, which I read as a very young child. It was part of a series of books that took celebrities (in this case, famed hockey legend Maurice the Rocket Richard) and used their lives to teach a valuable lesson. Of all the books in the series, this one stuck with me the most.
Who is your hero? I've never had one hero, as I believe smart people take lessons from many people who do heroic things… from athletic feats to being a good and stable parent. If you put a gun to my head, I’d have to say that I’m a huge fan of Batman. I like his dark side and his mysterious nature.
Special talent(s)? I'm not sure that it's special, but I'm really good with computers and technology. And I can diffuse any situation or cut any tension with humour.
What is your most embarrassing moment? I honestly don't ever feel embarrassed by things. I think it’s good to laugh at oneself. I'm sure there were moments as a kid, but they must not have been traumatic enough since I can't remember them!
What is your biggest fear? Not maximising or taking advantage of life's many opportunities.
What is your biggest date fear? I have zero fears when it comes to dating. I'm a very relaxed and an easy-going guy, and don't get thrown off easily.
What is your guilty pleasure? A really big pizza all to myself… like, at least XL - after leg training ;)
What would an ex say are your three worst attributes? That I cut people off when they talk, I am too self-involved, and logical to a fault.
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? I once chased a school of sting rays through shallow water in Costa Rica trying to get cool go-pro footage. In hindsight, that wasn't so smart.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? I would make sure my family has what they needed, then I would spend my time pursuing passion projects, be they art, restoring old cars, building things, travel…you name it. I would somehow tie some of those projects to charity work, or set up a foundation that funnels creative work into charitable donations.
What is your greatest achievement to date? I took pictures of a woman once and handed her the edits and she cried in front me, telling me that she had never seen herself as beautiful until that moment. I created something that changed someone's life. I used my skills set to change how someone sees themselves, for the better.
What are your three best attributes? Sense of humour, logical nature, and intelligence.
How is fun-loving Kyle going to stand out from the others? Being 6'8 might help out! #BacheloretteCA pic.twitter.com/6mtEsqj7IE— Bachelorette Canada (@BacheloretteCA) August 25, 2016
29, Firefighter Paramedic, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mike is a dedicated firefighter/paramedic, charity organizer and heavy metal musician whose greatest reward in life is to connect with the individuals whose lives he has saved. Now at 29-years old, Mike is looking for a partner who will be his best friend forever and commit to building a happy and successful future together. He always puts 100% into everything he does, and Mike wants the Bachelorette to know this experience will be no exception; once he decides to pursue something, he is unstoppable!
Nickname: Mike or Og’s
Height: 6’2”
Tattoos? None, just scars ;)
Favourite music: Metal, Hard Rock, Celtic and some classical.
Top 3 favourite movies: Braveheart Sling Blade Army of Darkness
What is your favourite book and why? One that really sticks out for me is “Rick Hansen - Man in Motion”. I liked it because of his passion to overcome adversity and the struggle within.
Who is your hero? I’ll avoid the classic “Dad” response to avoid yawns and say Metallica’s James Hetfield.
Special talent(s)? I write lyrics for songs, do the vocals in my metal band Diablero and (somewhat) play rhythm guitar. I’ve written poems ever since I was little after my mom passed away. It was a really good way for me to understand and deal with the loss. I can also jump pretty high - box jump a fridge. And I can do the worm.
What is your most embarrassing moment? I was caught with a girl…by my dad. Sorry dad!
What is your biggest fear? Stranded, swimming in the middle of an incredibly calm ocean on a moonless night without floatation and a small cut on my leg.
What is your biggest date fear? In the short-term, nothing – fear can be fun or funny. In the long-term, agreeing that we both want children, then, after dating for years and getting married, she suddenly changes her mind.
What is your guilty pleasure? Having a few of my favourite songs playing whilst having a cold beer in the shower before going out to a party. The beer has a ‘cleaner’ taste to it!
What would an ex say are your three worst attributes? I’d like to think she would say none…but…
1. Ruining songs by making weird sounds during them in an effort to “sing along” because I don’t understand her music. 2. Playing Metallica loudly in the car and using the steering wheel to practice guitar.
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Jumping on stage at a Metallica concert in Winnipeg for the “Death Magnetic” Tour in 2009. I did not make it more than two seconds up there before I was absolutely owned by the security guard.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? I would give 1/3 to my Dad and 1/3 to my brother (as that’s the deal we’ve made). I would set myself up with a decent house, a cabin and couple of vehicles. I wouldn’t give my friends straight cash, but I’d purchase a few franchises and employ some of my friends to run it. I would travel the world to see and experience as much as I could.
What is your greatest achievement to date? I’m proud of a lot of the things that I’ve done, but there is an excellent feeling when you save someone’s life and get to speak to them and their family afterwards. So I’d say that’s my greatest achievement.
What are your three best attributes? Steadfast, nonjudgmental and compassionate
29, Management Consultant, Toronto, Ontario
Andrew is a successful entrepreneur who turned his first profit in the second grade (selling toys on the playground at 100% markup). He attributes his “hustle” to his parents, who taught him he could have whatever he wanted...as along as he earned it. Andrew is looking for someone who is gorgeous, sweet, honest and genuine to share his life with, which he hopes will include three golden retrievers, lots of children and a white picket fence. He’s ready to bring the right girl home to meet his tight-knit family (including his identical twin brother!).
Nickname: A Ro, or Drew
Height: 5’10”
Tattoos? No
Favourite music: Hip Hop / Eclectic (like everything)
Top 3 favourite movies: Goodfellas Blow The Lion King
What is your favourite book and why? Teen Bop (because of JTT)
Who is your hero? Gordon Gecko from Wallstreet
Special talent(s)? I can talk my way into, or out of any situation
What is your most embarrassing moment? A girl ran up to me at a night club, wrapped her legs around me and started making out with me. I just figured I was looking good that night so I offered her a drink. When we approached the bar she turned around and said “Jon, (referring to my twin brother) what do you want?” Needless to say, she was making out with the wrong brother.
What is your biggest fear? A shark swimming below me that I can’t see.
What is your biggest date fear? Bad breath!
What’s your guilty pleasure? A single malt scotch after work.
What would an ex say are your three worst attributes? Ask them ;) Emails and phone numbers can be provided upon request.
What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Diving into the Devil’s Pool in South Africa. This is probably the most appropriate thing I can share here…
If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? Put it in the bank and go on with my day.
What is your greatest achievement to date? Finishing my MBA with top marks in my class.
What are your three best attributes? Kindness, humour, confidence
Andrew wants 3 dogs, a team of kids and a white picket fence. All he needs is someone to make this dream a reality. pic.twitter.com/tSJwAlplpA
— Bachelorette Canada (@BacheloretteCA) August 26, 2016
Continue to part 4
***All official info and photos courtesy of Corus Entertainment and W Network, 2016.
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