There are SPOILERS ahead.
If you don't want to know the locations in Season 3 of The Amazing Race Canada, then turn around and leave the way you got here.
Oh, and stop searching for "Amazing Race Canada 3." It will only cause you great sadness.
You see, if you're like me and enjoy spoilers for your favourite shows, you realize they don't deter you from watching the show you love. I can read an entire plot synopsis for an episode of The Big Bang Theory OR The Walking Dead, know exactly what will happen and still can't wait to watch. That's because the spoilers are no substitute for the actual show. The only time I ever regretted reading a spoiler was for that preposterous LOST series finale. I mean really! They were all dead? Come on.
This is your last warning!
Are you absolutely sure???
But before you go...
Just one wee little tease:
Will we see Jon recreating his famous
beer walk this season?
But before you go...
Just one wee little tease:
Will we see Jon recreating his famous
beer walk this season?
See my previous post about the start of the race HERE
The following is my leg-by-leg spoiler summary, which will be updated continuously during filming and right through to the aired shows. So check back often because this is an on-going process. Just as last year, I will give my team spoilers on a separate post - after they have been officially announced. This is also just the framework. Further spoilers will be forthcoming in my weekly preview, and I will provide links to those here just before each episode.
Please remember to respect the work that I have done compiling and investigating these spoilers. Do not hotlink or repost any of my pictures or information without providing a link back to this post. You can email me! Or ... you and I? Yeah, we're going to have some words.
Thank You.
You may now continue reading...
Principle filming of Season 3 began on May 1 in Quebec City, and finished May 29 in Whistler, B.C.
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Start line on Terrasse Dufferin. Backpacks at Samuel de Champlain Statue. |
Episode Title: Who's Feeling Sporty Now?
Air-date: Wednesday, July 8th @ 9 PM (Eastern), CTV
Start Line: Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City, Quebec. Teams flew to Toronto via Montreal.
Filmed: Friday, May 1, 2015 in Quebec City and Saturday, May 2 in Toronto
Number of teams at start: 12
Tasks in Quebec City:
- Roadblock: cluebox at Levis ferry docks (there is only one challenge in Quebec City)
- St. Lawrence Market, cluebox on Lower Level
- Ontario Place: Jump off platform at Atlantis Pavilion
- TSN Sportscentre - task with James Duthie
- Air Canada Centre, task unknown.
Jon Montgomery was observed filming a stand-up at the Toronto Railway Museum the day after the leg was filmed. I do not know if it was extra footage for Leg 1 ( for the possible Face Off task or for the pit stop) or if it was the intro for Leg 2.
Note: Several days before filming began, Crew members were spotted filming in Toronto. I believe this was part of their training. In addition, Jon Montgomery, along with his wife were seen in the Distillery District.
Episode 1 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): CLICK HERE
Episode 1 Recap: HERE
Leg Two: Santiago, Chile
Episode Title: We're Going to Dance!
Air-date: Wednesday, July 15th, 2015, 9 P.M. Eastern
Start Line for leg: Canoe Landing Park, Toronto
Fly to: Santiago, Chile (via Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Filmed: May 3
- Possible Detour: recreate the Rapa Nui pascuence dance, in costume. Plaza de Armas
- San Miguel Speculation: could be a mural search.
- Roadblock: Paragliding
- Plaza Baquedano
- Biblioteca Nacional de Chile - Chilean National Library (seen in "Meet the Teams" Preview
Pitstop: see my preview for this episode
Episode 2 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 2 Recap: HERE
Episode Title: I Said Straight, You Gorilla!
Air-date: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Fly to: Buenos Aires Argentina May 5
Filming Date: May 6
Tasks: unknown
Pitstop: Puerto Madero
Episode 3 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 3 Recap: HERE
Leg Four: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Episode Title: We Know Where They Live
Air-date: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Fly to: Halifax, Nova Scotia May 8
Filming Date: Saturday, May 9
Episode 2 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 2 Recap: HERE
Leg Three: Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEpisode Title: I Said Straight, You Gorilla!
Air-date: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Fly to: Buenos Aires Argentina May 5
Filming Date: May 6
Tasks: unknown
Pitstop: Puerto Madero
Episode 3 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 3 Recap: HERE
Leg Four: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Episode Title: We Know Where They Live
Air-date: Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Fly to: Halifax, Nova Scotia May 8
Filming Date: Saturday, May 9
- Halifax Central Library - search through art installation by Cliff Eyland
- Garrison Brewery - use a dolly to transport 4 beer kegs to The Old Triangle Irish Alehouse (However, Teams were also seen transporting cases of beer on a dolly)
- Fort George, Citadel Hill (cluebox)
- The Macdonald Bridge
- Pitstop: Halifax Seaport Market - roof. The greeter is dressed as a "Town Crier"
Episode 4 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 4 Recap: HERE
Leg Five: Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec
Episode Title: The Face Off
Air-date: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 11
- Teams seen at Dune du Sud, Havre-aux-Maisons, Iles de la Madeleine.
- Possible Double U-Turn at Cap-aux-Meules
- Note: There is a rumour that teams were seen near the Fredericton, New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame. However there is no photo evidence nor subsequent sightings. Travel to/from the islands is limited and I am not sure if this Fredericton rumour is a possibility.
Episode 5 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 5 Recap: HERE
Leg Six: Sudbury, OntarioEpisode Title: Who is Alex Trebek?
Air-date: Wednesday, August 12th, 2015 @ 9 PM Eastern
Fly to Sudbury via Toronto
Filming Date: May 13
- Detour at Laurentian University: Analyze (forensics-type task) or Synchronize (swimming).
- The Big Nickel (cluebox)
Episode 6 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers and a surprise!): HERE
Episode 6 Recap: HERE
Leg Seven: Saskatoon, SaskatchewanEpisode Title: I Dream About Eating Sandwiches
Air-date: Wednesday, August 19th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Plus: After The Race (mid-season special) @ 10 P.M. EasternFilming Date: May 16
- Route Marker Task at airport upon arrival
- Detour or Route Marker Task: University of Saskatchewan. Learn and perform the Red River Jig.
Episode 7 Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode 7 Recap: HERE
Leg Eight: Kolkata, IndiaEpisode Title: All of These Are the Same
Air-date: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Note: This leg is complete speculation based on a significant gap in filming between Saskatoon and Delhi, along with the press release announcing 11 Leg prizes (not including the finish line). There is a high probability it is another international leg, as teams were seen exchanging money in Saskatoon. If not another leg in India, then highly probable locations are: Osaka; Tokyo; Beijing; Seoul; and Shanghai. Maybe Australia, New Zealand or even California as a long shot. Stay tuned, we should know for sure August 19 with the preview at the end of episode 7.
Filming Date: Exact date is unknown
Fly to: Unknown
Tasks: Unknown
Pitstop: Unknown
Leg Nine: Delhi, India
Episode Title: Take Your Clue and Gooo!
Air-date: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 21
Episode Title: Take Your Clue and Gooo!
Air-date: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 21
- Teams seen at Chandi Chowk Spice Market, Khari Baoli Street in Old Delhi
Leg Ten: Osoyoos and Summerland, B.C.
Episode Title: Man I've Got a Big Butt!
Air-date: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 24
Fly to: ??? Unknown
Episode Title: Man I've Got a Big Butt!
Air-date: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 24
Fly to: ??? Unknown
- Nk'Mip Desert Cultural Centre
- Osoyoos Desert Model Railroad
- Summerland Waterfront Resort - wakeboarding through an obstacle course (probable Roadblock) There is a sighting of an EMT on scene.
- D'Angelo Estate Winery
- Covert Farms
Leg Eleven: Edmonton, Alberta
Episode Title: Cabotage
Air-date: THURSDAY, September 17th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
(schedule change due to 2 hour Masterchef finale on Wednesday)
Filming Date: May 26
Fly to: Edmonton
Episode Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode Recap: To Come
Episode Title: Cabotage
Air-date: THURSDAY, September 17th, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
(schedule change due to 2 hour Masterchef finale on Wednesday)
Filming Date: May 26
Fly to: Edmonton
- Fort Edmonton Park
Episode Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode Recap: To Come
I will be updating these spoilers as more information becomes available, and right up until the season begins. After that, check my episode previews (the links will be posted above, under each episode) The episode previews will have the most up-to-date information, as well as the elimination spoilers. So check back often!
Please feel free to leave a comment!
Leg Twelve: Vancouver and Whistler, B.C. (Finale)
Episode Title: Here's to You Canada...Cheers!
Air-date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 29
Air-date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 @ 9 P.M. Eastern
Filming Date: May 29
Fly to: YVR Airport. Method of travel to Whistler is unknown, But I suspect driving.
- Terry Fox Memorial at BC Place (cluebox location)
- B.C. Place: ride bicycle along narrow platform rigged between the stadium's retractable roof supports (not known if this is a Detour, a Roadblock or a Route marker Task, but both members of one team were seen on platform)
- Note: there was a sighting at PNE grounds several days before this leg was filmed - could have been advance crew
- Whistler Village (I feel a Monty moment coming here)
- Whistler Olympic Plaza
- Whistler/Blackcomb: Ride Gondola to top of Whistler. Skiing Roadblock probably to retrieve a clue.
Finish Line: exact location unknown, but access to top of mountain was shut down/limited. But...again this year, I think I might know. Teaser Alert: Three teams raced up the mountain. Sooo...what's up there that could possibly be so iconic to Canadians? And could it be something that fits right in with the concept behind The Amazing Race? Do you know? DO YOU?
Advance Episode Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode Recap: To Come
Advance Episode Preview (with ADDITIONAL Spoilers): HERE
Episode Recap: To Come
*Update: Season 3 will feature a new type of challenge!
From the Bell Media/CTV Press Release, June 15, 2015 HERE
"For the first time on THE AMAZING RACE CANADA, teams will compete in a new challenge that could dramatically change their position in the race. The Face Off is a challenge where teams compete head-to-head. No team can move forward in the race until they’ve successfully won the challenge – by beating their opponent. The last team at the Face Off must wait out a pre-determined time penalty before moving on."
I don't know the particulars of how this will play out, but if my suspicions are correct I think we may see an otherwise strong team get knocked out of the competition. This could be similar to the "Double Battle" from the Israeli version of the show. In that, when 2 teams reached the venue of the task, they had to compete against each other. The winner got the next clue, while the loser had to wait until the next team arrived...then compete against them. Therefore, if the circumstances are right - a leading team could find themselves having to compete against every other team. To put it in perspective, think back to Natalie Spooner at the hockey detour in Winnipeg last season. If that scenario was this new challenge, the Hockey girls could have found themselves in real trouble. Also understand, this is a team challenge. Both teammates must be successful before they can move on.
Also, check out my Team Spoilers (which includes elimination order) BY CLICKING HERE
So now that you know, are you disgusted with your lack of willpower? Or do you take great delight in knowing something that others don't? Either way, I know one thing's for sure. You're still going to watch, aren't you?
So now that you know, are you disgusted with your lack of willpower? Or do you take great delight in knowing something that others don't? Either way, I know one thing's for sure. You're still going to watch, aren't you?
Please feel free to leave a comment!