Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Big Brother Canada 3 Premiere Recap: Time and Space and Doctor Who

Season 3 of Big Brother Canada finally arrived - with a BANG. The new house looked even better than all the promo photos and house tours. Of course there was a lot of added special effects and CGI manipulations added in to make us go oooh and awww. We were even treated to an holographic Arisa, who explained the decor with the phrase "Represents Time and Space like never before". Oh Arisa...you know that's not true. Unless the house is really the Tardis, and Doctor Who is inside...oh wait. There IS a doctor in the house.

I guess The Doctor is really a woman.
I will definitely need to re-evaluate my pre-season picks. As far as the promised HUGE twists go...all the rumours proved true for a change.

Twist #1:
NO food, NO furniture, NO personal belongings. Kind of like Gilligan's Island. The main bedroom, the HoH bedroom, the backyard - all in lockdown. The houseguests will have to earn it all back. They did not look pleased when they found out.

The super-duper power rises from the floor.
Twist #2:
The Have-Not room, a cross between a ship's brig and a dungeon, ALSO holds a SUPER POWER, that when unleashed, will "bring the house down." We don't know what it is, but I think it's the ultra twist sponsored by....KFC. And is this the twist thats never been done before, ever, in any BB version?

Arisa finished the high tech introduction saying this year, the houseguests will learn who's boss. Good. No more accidental eating of candy when you're a Have-Not. The fans, the audience, went wild with excitement especially Arlie, Jon and Neda.

Twist #3:
All the houseguests are the HoH this week. They each had to go to the Diary Room and name two people for nominees for eviction. The two who received the most votes went on the block: Risha and Sindy with an S. She must have pissed off a lot of people right off the bat with that schtick. This is the vote:
Vote Tally:
Sindy 8
Risha 5
Pilar 4
Bruno 4
Bobby 2
Godfrey 2
Sarah 2
Zach 2
Ashleigh 1
Kevin 1
Naeha 1
Britnee 0
Graig 0
Johnny 0
Jordan 0
Willow 0

Yep, it looks like Sindy with an S really ticked off a lot of Houseguests. She got a strong reaction in the Twitter-verse too. The best line to date came from Evel Dick (of course) who said he took a &#!+ with an S. I wonder if it was painfully annoying and it told him it was pretty?

Seriously, Miss Sindy Withaness has to go. I remember saying the same thing with Sabrina last year. Crap, let's hope this one doesn't become this year's pawn. Love her or hate her, at least Sabrina was entertaining. For me, she was the one I loved to hate. I'm not getting the same feelings for Sindy...at all. She would be the one I hate to hate.

The show moved very quickly and jumped right into the PoV Challenge. The players were Risha,
Kevin...making Sindy with an S look good.
Bobby, Kevin, Sindy with an S, Zach and Naeha. Dressed in pseudo-steampunk/bondage gear, they had to solve a puzzle: retrieve puzzle pieces one at a time by crawling over a net; then randomly enter a 3 digit code to open a safe for the last piece. Lets just say, these people were either trying to throw the comp or they really suck at this, because Sindy with an S won, narrowly beating out Kevin...Godamnit. I am sure she THINKS she's good at this. The odd thing - Kevin looked like he was really trying. He conquered the first part and even knew there were only 64 possible combinations for the lock. Did it seem to you that he slowed down a bit here? Looking around a bit too much? Was this the start of his "elevating comp throwing to an art"?

The new PoV necklace, a heavy one to bare.
Anyway, Sindy with an S saves herself and names Pilar as the replacement nominee. Her reason? Pilar didn't hug her during the introductions. Translation...Pilar didn't praise the ground Sindy with an S walked on. Canada votes to evict...based solely on first impressions. With no Live Feeds until after the first eviction on Wednesday, I call this a curve ball for the fans. Tsk, Tsk. The best part is, the house doesn't know it's the fans who are voting. It should lead to some interesting interactions, bonding and a few preliminary alliances.

Got to wonder what is going on in that house.

Oh and don't be too worried about the lack of food, furniture and personal belongings. Take a close look at the Diary Room confessions when and if you re-watch the premiere. Notice anything with Jordan in that bit at the end? Yep he's wearing different clothes. I really don't think this twist will go far. One...Big Brother can't let them starve in there. Two...The Brick is the major sponsor....furnishings will arrive shortly, I am sure.

Make sure to vote. There are huge movements afoot on Twitter to #saverisha and #savepilar. As I write this, the Save-Rishers are 525 and on the rise, while the Save-Pilarers are 492 and have bottomed out. Not trying to influence you, just stating the facts. Of course, this could change before the 24 hour cut-off for the vote.