Thursday, 9 April 2015

BBCan3 Live Feeds in Brief: Summary Week 4 (Spoilers)

***If you only watch the aired episodes, any info from the Live Feeds will be a spoiler.***

Thursday April 9 to Wednesday April 15

Thursday, April 9
  • Willow, Brittnee and Pilar are Have Nots
  • Looks as if Bruno is planning on nominating Sarah and Johnny, and has told them his plans.
  • Bobby and Bruno: Bobby thinks Kevin, Pilar, Zach and Ashleigh are in an alliance. He thinks it's strange that Zach and Ashleigh are are avoiding Kevin as a possible nomination.
  • Feeds down, probably for Nom Ceremony
  • Bruno nominates Johnny and Sarah
Friday, April 10
  • (12:25 AM) Roof begins to leak over stairs/in front of Vault. Meanwhile Bobby, Ashleigh and Pilar in hot tub. Bobby skinny dips.
  • Feeds cut
  • PoV Comp today. They mention that they have not heard construction noises, so it is a simple comp.
  • PoV players will be Bruno, Johnny, Sarah, Brittnee, Bobby and Kevin
  • Bruno won PoV
  • Johnny and Bruno have a very long talk, both feeling each other out.
  • HGs wait in HoH bathroom to surprise Bruno for his birthday tomorrow (the clock is set 1 hour fast) just after 11 PM.
Saturday, April 11
  • Sarah points out Vault control panel to Zach. It has turned on. Zach says it might mean a twist
    is coming. Bruno said he noticed it before.
  • Feeds cut  (maybe for PoV Ceremony?)
  • It was a task for reward. Sarah won.
  • They are locked out of house
  • They watched "Remedy"
  • Bruno to Godfrey: We have to get Kevin or Zach out next. Bruno to Zach: We have to get Kevin out next.
  • Godfrey wants Bruno to put up Zach as replacement nom. Bruno knows he doesn't have the numbers. Then Bruno talks to Bobby about taking out Zach.
Sunday, April 12
  • Approx 1 AM: Johnny, Ashleigh and Willow setting off HN alarm, with Sarah while Brittnee tries to sleep.
  • "PoV Ceremony Today" on screen in LR
  • Bruno reassures Kevin he is not using the PoV
  • feeds down (~ 1:15 PM) For PoV ceremony?
  • Double Veto option was voted in by Canada, but Bruno kept true to his word and did not use it. Nominations remain the same.
Monday, April 13

  • early AM/middle of night. Johnny and Zach have huge talk re: Sarah flipping sides. 
  • Zack still thinks Johnny is bigger threat than Sarah
  • HGs around Hot tub, locked out of house (in prep for BBTV task)
  • Feeds cut, come back on, cut again. Looks as if they were told about the task.
  • HGs given show genres, eg: talk show, courtroom drama. Also given costumes/wardrobe.
  • Kevin Talk Show
  • Judge Sarah
  • BBCan2 re-enactment. Bruno plays Jon Pardy in baby outfit...then disappears. The real Jon Pardy enters.
  • Other TV shows are Psychic Sarah and an HG Talent Show. Feeds cut after they learn they won their wrap party

Tuesday, April 14
  • Feeds return in early morning, after being off since HGs won their wrap party. HGs still sleeping, Fan Feed shows the bathroom a disaster.
  • HGs nursing hangovers
  • JP Zach Sarah Brit: JP believes HoH comp will be A or B answers because they are based on "polled" responses, and something they were given recently. He tells the others if they are unsure of the correct answer: Sarah and Brit answer "A" while he and Zach answer "B"