It's the end of week 6 and in all likelihood it looks like Sindy Withaness will be evicted tonight. That leaves 10 HGs still in the house. Compare this to the same time last year: by the end of week 6, there were 8.
Before Sindy's return, we were keeping pace IF we had a double eviction this week, and another in week 8. Keep in mind that there are only 4 weeks left this season.
It's very clear TPTB were counting on that vault buyout offered to Bobby and Sindy. One person HAD to go, but neither accepted the $10,000 offer. Then there was another screw-up last week. The fan prediction page showed two eviction rounds for week 6. The first round was normal. The second round showed 3 nominees, with two evictions. This would mean a triple eviction for the week. That sounded like fun. Just when Twitter started going nuts over the news, the prediction page miraculously changed back to showing a regular eviction this week. The Brick, BBCda's major sponsor also made a slip when they tweeted a reference to this being a triple eviction week.
Okay, so I am no tin-hat conspiracy theorist. I realize that despite Big Brother being a reality show, it is still a TV show. They WILL do everything they can to manage the goings on in the house to get the best outcome drama-wise and the best ratings they believe they can. Don't fool yourself with all the purist, non-interventionist talk. That ship sailed once BBUS started doing the "Expect he Unexpected" routine, and some would argue even before that when Have-Nots were introduced. And we all know what REALLY happens in the Diary Room.
So, the only thing we fans are left with is the feeling that this has been a monumental screw-up OR TPTB didn't like the odds the triple eviction gave to this season's darlings: Kevin; Godfrey; and Bruno.
Of course there is still that thing in the Have-Not Room, which in all likelihood will come into play very soon. Maybe even this week. Is it a quick way to get rid of 3 HGs? Or maybe it's a one HG with one in the jury. Don't forget Arisa's slip (or was it a tease?) last week that Jordan wasn't allowed to see his DR goodbye messages. Hmmn...
The plot not only thickens, but may be burning.
And I am still waiting for Peter Brown serving salad on a silver platter to Zach.