Monday, 24 March 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 Recap of Week 4 Episode 9 HoH Comp

Of course they have to rehash the events that happened after Paul's eviction.  The girls are so pissed at Sarah because she betrayed them and voted for Paul. Blah, blah blah. Ika feels like she wasted her HoH and basically gave it to Andrew. She's right. Now she doesn't want to be part of the girl's alliance. She has basically just self evicted.

HoH comp. The bungee cords were rigged, I mean "individually calibrated" for each person's Weight. Rachelle wants to win to get Heather out once and for all. That's what she says now. Anyway, while the more sturdily built HGs are straining and dropping out left, right and centre, both Rachelle and Sarah appear to be having it pretty easy. Especially Rachelle. If you know what I mean. It's down to Rachelle and the person who betrayed the "girl's alliance", Sarah. How dramatic. Rachelle wins. Neda wants Rachelle to take out one of the guys....Andrew or Kenny. At this point, Rachelle agrees. Oh oh. Sounds like it's time for someone to deflect attention away from the First 5.

Numbers appear on the TV screens in the living room. What could that mean? They speculate that the numbers.....must mean....something. Wow.

Rachelle has to pick the Have Nots for the week: Adel, Sabrina, Heather, and Arlie. She tries to be fair and pick people who haven't been on slop yet. So she picks Heather, who of course was on slop in week 1. Sabrina volunteers then realizes she won't be able to sleep in the HoH room with Rachelle. Translation: less time to tell Rachelle who to nominate for eviction.

Allison and Jon are called to the diary room. They have to drink alcohol then act perfectly sober in front of the others. They get plastered. How the others didn't see this is beyond me. They win a booze and food party. (I will tell you the live feeds were hilarious. Well until Andrew got shit faced, chased Allison around, and puked his guts out. Rachelle tried busting into the Diary Room and Neda went up to a camera and said "stop watching us you creeps.)

Ika does her best to convince Rachelle to put up Andrew and Kenny. What she doesn't know is that Sabrina has already forced her hand with Rachelle...and convinced her to nominate Heather and Allison. Poor vacuous Rachelle, she thinks Sabrina is her BFF. "Sabrina is very smart and I trust her". Holy crap.

The numbers on the TV screens hit 2 million and start flashing. The HGs start cheering even though they don't have a frigging clue what it means. That actually happened Thursday night. Pretty sure BB knew exactly what they were doing by setting it at 2 million. It was an easy target because the fans have been accumulating points since the season premiere.

Sabrina is a horrible actor yet Rachelle is sucking it in. Sabrina is taking full control of Rachelle's HoH, and even doing Rachelle's dirty work for her. Sabrina breaks the news to Allison - about her being nominated as a pawn. Sabrina actually threatens Allison. "Be a smart girl". Or else...what? You might be sleeping with the fishes? She gives Allison a face that even her mother would punch. Allison must have used all her strength not to.Jesus, that was frigging scary.

Sabrina, I mean Rachelle nominates Heather and Allison. But neither are the target. Rachelle doesn't even know who the target is.

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