Thursday, 6 March 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 - Week 1 Recap Aired Shows and Live Feeds

HOH Paul
Have Nots Unknown
Nominees for Eviction Anick & Andrew 
Power of Veto Andrew - used
Replacement Nominee Ika
Evicted Live Eviction Thursday

Episode 1 Wednesday March 5 (Premiere)

This season's theme is "Can you keep a secret?"

The first notable change is the size of the studio's huge. Arisa gives her tour of the house. The Have Not room is themed Half Nots and is literally half of everything. Whoopy. The War Room has a strategy table with figurines of each house guest - meant to parallel an actual war room/bunker. You know, like something that Churchill used in WWII.

House guests are introduced in three groups:

Sarah, Sabrina, Kenny, Andrew and Arlie.
Ika, Anick, Jon and Kyle.
Paul, Rachelle,, Heather, Adel and Neda.

Everyone is super excited, especially Arlie the die-hard fan, who hoots and hollers. When Kyle gets in he immediately unbuttons his shirt, sits on the couch and says, "This is a nice pad, man." Of course, this is the steroid-induced village idiot who lives in his Mom's basement, so even a one bedroom bachelor apartment would look good to him. Arisa interrupts the HGs and tells them it's time for the first HOH comp, and to go put on their supplied red and white Canada swim suits. Bikinis for the girls, banana hammocks for the guys, and boxers for Paul. Thank You Big Brother for your sense of aesthetics, not to mention decency..

It's called "Ice Breakers". They must stand on blocks of ice. Much, much nastier than it looks.Even after a few minutes, the pain was shooting up their legs. The blocks had each of their names on it and I couldn't help but notice that the HGs were positioned very strategically. Kyle the meathead was placed between Heather and Neda - he was very happy about that. All of Canada would have known if it wasn't for the ice. A disgustingly massive amount of pizza and wings - compliments of Pizza Pizza, were placed out for the HGs who drop out. The next temptation were 3 coolers with surprises in them for the next 3 to drop out. Heather jumped at it - she won $1000. Ika opens hers, Hah! No prize...she must wear her bathing suit for 48 hours. Then Paul, who encouraged several others to drop out, strikes a bargain with the rest of the HGs still on the ice. If any of them win HOH, the others still on the ice won't be nominated. They think about it. Then he ups the ante. He gets HOH, in exchange for no backdooring any of them. They all agree - why? Because they know Paul will get the heat from it, become a target. The others are super pissed.

First Twistos Twist. The 15th House guest. There are 3 potential House guests who will be sequestered inside the house in a soundproof living area and completely separate from the others. Over the next week, Canada gets to vote for one of them to enter the house. So let me get this straight. The houseguests have been in there for a week already. By the time this 15th HG goes in next Wednesday, one of the first 15 will have been voted out, and two others will be nominated for eviction. I can't see this sitting well with the HGs. The 15th HG will be an immediate target.


- Jon and Rachelle are close, Jon is also close with Neda
- Rachelle is flirting heavily with Kenny
- possible nominees for eviction: Andrew and Anick.
- Sabrina is circulating herself throughout the house, making alliances.
- Anick is isolating herself and talking about practicing her pre- eviction speech/plea. 
- Ika, Sabrina, Sarah and Neda...possible alliance
- Kenny, Sabrina, Sarah, Andrew and Rachelle...possible alliance
- Kyle and Sabrina: Kyle may think he has an alliance with her
- Kyle, Andrew and Jon have agreed to protect each other
- Andrew wins POV, saves himself.
- replacement nominee appears to be Ika
- the live feeds have been down for the better part of today (Thursday). Looks like they are following the same filming schedule as last year...the so-called 'Live Eviction' is actually pre-recorded a few hours in advance.

Episode 2 Thursday, March 6

People are comparing Paul's reign as HOH to The Godfather. He nominates Andrew and Anick for eviction. He considers Andrew a loose cannon...after he had a bit too much to drink and became loud. Power of Veto Comp Paul, Sabrina, Andrew, Adel, Anick and Kyle compete. Everyone is in Super Hero suits. They must break through 3 barriers using tools, then break through glass. The first to do so wins POV.Anick is pretty much useless...the universe was definitely not on her side. There must have been one of those nasty negative tornadoes hanging around. Andrew whips through it and wins POV. At the POV Ceremony, Andrew takes himself off the block. Paul nominates Ika. Paul has made enemies all around.

Eviction: Anick by a vote of 11 to 0. See what did I tell you? That girl was a shoe in to bug the crap out of everyone in the house. Frankly, I think they knew it too when they cast her.

The 3 nominees for the 15th House Guest are introduced to the audience, supposedly unaware of what Big Brother has in store for them. The remaining House Guests inside the house have no idea about these 3, BUT these nominees can spy on the house!!! Da da da! Thats huge. Then the Big Brother "Secret Service", aka 3 actors in black suits and looking more like Men in Black, blindfold the nominees and escort them to their secret room. It's the War Room. Why were they blindfolded? Well, so that they couldn't see the crappy exterior of the house, which would totally destroy the illusion of it all.

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